The following has been placed on The Fighter Collections website, regarding their F2b Fighter rebuild, D8084 (G-ACAA).
".... we have received the Bristol F2b Fighter's Rolls Royce Falcon crankcase back from Vintage Engine Technology who have reconditioned it following the chrome contamination. The contamination occurred when a piston ring picked up on a liner and removed some of the chrome from it.
Thankfully the crankshaft bearings survived undamaged without having to be replated, but some corrosion was found in the crankshaft sludge traps which has been polished out and treated. The Cylinders have been received back from Poetons who have stripped and rechromed them after we found problems with the previously applied ceramic chrome. The engineers are working to try and get the engine back together in time for Legends [12th/13th July 2003], but its an uphill struggle with every thing else that we have going on."